Interactive Stories

An interactive story is a story in which the reader has a choice of how the story goes.  For our stories, we started with a fairy tale beginning, 'Once Upon A Time', then we got to choose where it went from there.

To create our stories, we used Google Forms.  It was pretty tricky at the beginning, but they were a lot of fun to make and we hope they are a lot of fun to read.  Remember to give us plenty of feedback about our stories.

Little Red - by Zoe & Anna

Skye's Ball Dance - by Tina

New New York - by Emilia & Lauren

Dragon's Island - by Ella

The Ugly Ogres - by Paul

Atlantis City...the Story - by Jed & Bernard

Electric Catfish - by Matt L

The BIGGEST Adventure Ever - by Nitika & Cinthana

Once Upon A Time - by Caleb

The Hole in the Ground - by Leo


  1. Wow Room 10!!! Those inventive stories were amazing!! Keep up the good work!!!

    Al From Room 9!!

  2. Cinthana and Nitika's comment about the bearded lady made me laugh and laugh! Everyone's creativity is really impressive. This looked like it was a lot of work. Fun too I bet!
