Friday, 30 May 2014

We Need Your Help....

Can you please vote to help us get new netball uniforms???  Click here to vote.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Using Google Docs to Collect Information

What a great day for the cross country!!!  Well, yeah it was pretty cold, but apparently most of you didn't mind.

We did our cross country reflection using Google Forms.  This was done online and gave me all the information straight away and made reflecting on our running a bit easier.  Eventually we will all have a go using Google Forms, but for now have a look and see what you think.  Have a go and see how easy using forms is.

Mr. P

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Work to test the parents

We had a great session in maths today.  At the end of the lesson, a small group decided they needed a little bit of extra craziness, so I made up these problems for them.  Well, they weren't problems at all.

Good job team.  Your knowledge of the order of operations (MoD SoA) is amazing.  They wanted me to post these so they can test out their amazing skills on you.

Monday, 19 May 2014

William the weta decided to go home.

A couple of our more brave boys took William back to the bush to let him find his way home.  He didn't really warn to leave the tank he was in and did quite a bit of jumping, but eventually he found the tall grass and away he went.

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More weta video.

Sorry about having to look through the screen, but William is a jumper.  He's really quick too.

Found this massive cave weta in room 6.

Thanks to Zoe for correctly identifying this creature as a cave weta.  We had done some reading about animals that live in dark places (how they adapt to living in different environments) and one of those was a cave weta.  Just goes to show, you never know when new learning will become important.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Mural Art Winners

Congratulations to our Nikau Mural Art Group who did an awesome job on their section of the mural at the civic buildings.  Mrs. Cavanagh took the team to the prizegiving today and they won a new iPad for our school.  Well done team, we think your work is amazing.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Minecraft in Education

Did you know that Minecraft, that online kids game that they always want to play, can be a great learning tool?  Check out the work on Alcatraz, the prison in San Francisco, that Richard created.

Click here to check it out

So what's wrong with failing???

Why is it that we are so scared to fail? What would happen if we let failure rule what we do?  Watch Lewis learn from his failure.

Chemical Reactions

Today we looked at a bit of home chemistry and why certain chemicals react with other chemicals.  We looked at foods that have high levels of acid in them (low pH) and substances that are strong bases (high pH).  You can try similar experiments at home, but be careful not to add very strong acids to very strong bases.